24 August 2016

nexo knight racers: a serendipitous LEGO encounter

Knight Racers
Knight Racers

Ask and you shall receive...

I know this verse is usually a metaphor for prayer, but sometimes in life, you just have to do it literally.

As I went to check my local convenience store for the latest issue of the LEGO Nexo Knights Magazine, I noticed that there were detached free gifts from the previous issues sitting on the shelf. These are the Knight Racers from copies of Issue 07, which were already returned to the publisher. Nicely, I asked the sales assistant if I could just buy them. She consulted her supervisor and they have decided to simply give them all to me, as they will just discard them anyway. I know this incident is beyond routine, but I can't deny that it is indeed fortuitous.

For the Knight Racer, I said in one of my posts that the vehicle could do better, but now that it belongs to a fleet, it definitely is.

This small encounter is a reminder that sometimes, all you have to do is ask...


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYt0WbDjJ4E&ab_channel=I%27mJustAMan

  2. Lucky! That won't happen here in Manila. By the way, I got a couple of droidekas after reading your first post. haha Will be getting them on this weekend's Brickfast. Can't wait! Cheers!

    1. Oooh, those are the droidekas you're looking for! haha

      Awww, I'm missing a lot of events back home. I'll just check your blog for the coverage.

  3. Lucky lucky you!!!!! Dibs one hehe
